American Sniper Movie Exclusive News: Kyle and Clint Eastwood, not the line does not need to be towed. A warrior has a job to do. It 'a noble task. It is hard work. Take time for yourself what the rest of us do not need. You look bad in the eyes and stand up to it so that you can be calm. The film is not sway to the flags, and Eastwood is legally restricted, because history speaks for itself. The same thing happens with images of real life in the credits to the crowd of people on the streets of Texas took to this American soldier who gives a respectful farewell. Keep moving through them and got tears. Eastman power and performance for Cooper, "American Sniper" a contender for best picture should be. And "probably not, which is a shame.

Hollywood can not release a movie these days without controversy, like 'American Sniper', a movie about Navy SEAL Chris Kyle shooter personal ravages of war, but with a bit of "patriotic curve was really getting a little" loose. The fact that Kyle was a complex figure who is the truth, and his popular book was adapted by director Clint Eastwood was too conservative just adds controversy.
But let's be clear about one thing. "American Sniper" is not the first film to avoid certain disputed facts of his story (and otherwise harm the setting of truth Oliver Stone rotate daily), and the film will be popular audience who are tired of the way Hollywood has recently represented the United States: s role in the wars in the Middle East. "American Sniper" is not based on clichés patriotic or underestimate the cost of the war - in fact, the film shows personal struggles strong leadership soldier gives a vision (over 160 confirmed deaths) gave him the nickname In "The Legend". real life Kyle would have tasted the title, but in this case, a muscle strengthening Bradley Cooper (pun) greatly shaken by the first time you have to kill an Iraqi woman and her child to save lives in the United States.
Kyle is many soldiers from the heart, a cowboy today with a strong father figure who taught him to hunt and immediately became motivated to serve his country after 9/11. We can challenge the policies of the conflict, but Kyle is the type of person who needs a hip and every soldier wants to be a boy when he sees his back. Snipers hiding a fundamental objective - often with little support, with the exception of a fire in the trenches spotter- urbanized city was devastated by the war, with names like Fallujah and Mosul, and no support for the recognition or provide cover for ground troops. Attracting large with sub-plot involving "American Sniper" Kyle is the enemy trying expert rebel sniper "Mustafa" sometimes more than one mil away.
A confusing scene shows a group of US soldiers apparently trapped under heavy fire escape with the help of a blinding sandstorm. Towards stable economic Eastwood gives "Sniper", an intense but limited targeted violence visceral quality. Like the great movies like "The Hurt Locker" and "Black Hawk Down" was more graphic (and so profane), but not more grip.
In the heart of the "American Sniper" But Kyle relationship with new wife Taya (a movement Sienna Miller), who seems more and more (physically and emotionally) as their tour of the country for the installation. Here, Cooper won the pathos unusual seemingly simple phone call at home and around the harrowing and heartbreaking. The war Tol is not represented in the Hollywood production of special effects hectic crazy, but the pain subtle but visible in the face of a battle weary soldier.
For everything that Chris Kyle was not, it was obviously an American hero whose superior skill saved countless lives. As recent headlines suggest, unfortunately, will probably be more, not less, as shown in the American soldiers Sniper ", a product of Hollywood dared opposite of what we need most.
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