Wednesday 17 June 2015

Several battles: The Kajaki and American Sniper Say Military Life

Perhaps this was a fight that just could not duck. Despite all the changes to the date and time, juggling, Kajaki our film will be released on DVD in the same week that the American sniper. Two films of similar theme, but a world of difference when it comes to spending on production and the star power, the same window for the home entertainment market British hit selected. Inadvertent? We can not be sure of: we moved, moved, moved, we moved, and we had to choose a date at any given time and stick to it. Or will share shelf space, the two films are compared. Traditionally, only the average buyer to take a DVD to do the weekly shopping. Thus sniper or Kajaki?

For me, the film is a deep adventure. Even the emergence of a project is often very personal, soon to open a broad response, both the subject and the commercial potential of the project. Everyone has an opinion. And so rarely agree. So the only thing you can come back to make their own interpretation and judgment. And this can be a very lonely sometimes.
The big question for us is ready for a renaissance of modern war movie that our forces in the UK? I am sure that many of us grew up with the legacy of British war film classic Zulu, Bridge on the River Kwai, The Great Escape, The Dam Busters, Frost Alex ... the list goes on. But what makes them unique British? Clipped accents? Gay Purr? For me the message that war is kind of gross, but if you're going to have to do better to make a good job and be sure to keep alive their peers.
It was what he did not hear from veterans who have worked with Kajaki. Meanwhile, in the background, it may be a change in public attitudes, as the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq feel squeezed. Since the speakers kept going back through Wootton Bassett, the nation has gotten a more sophisticated approach to the war. It was acceptable to the war - nobody wanted in the conflict - but still support our troops. If it is a poppy, a badge, a bracelet or a T-shirt, it was a current level of public support more visible on the streets.
American Sniper, however, comes from a very different tradition. The 70s and 80s have seen some remarkable films of the American War: Platoon, M * A * S * H, Hunter, and the film's war against the recent war, Apocalypse Now. While the United States fought for its participation in Vietnam, occurred the insightful observations on the nature of war. But Sniper is a very different place. In Chris Kyle, the filmmakers chose to identify and highlight the work of snipers more productive and efficient in the conflict in Iraq, which they call statistics on the level of service has been admired by his contemporaries, and promoted by their superiors. American Sniper stands as the ultimate warrior.
The story of Marcus Wright is looking very different. What happened that day in Kajaki dam was unique. This was not an improvised explosive device, or contact with the Taliban. Throughout history of Mark we life of the average soldier, placed in an extreme case. No controversy or shake hands with debt. There were a lot of guys who caught the wrong place at the wrong time, for the terrible legacy of an earlier conflict, a Russian region of mines planted, AXO as beer cans, for a music festival. It was only a matter of time to find them, either by the military or as unfortunately often happens, the locals, once cleaned hosts.
The courage of this group of boys showed that day was great. But its charm is the common man is truly remarkable. None of them sees himself as a hero just doing a job, they are proud of it. This is a recognition that you seek. Not 10 feet Rambo wants to see action; They are the sons and daughters of their friends and neighbors.
So the British public have a different relationship with the American soldiers do with them? It seems lionise our warriors; There will be parades fill the stage for those returning from Afghanistan. We mark our respect for a more quiet, reserved. The difference in how our engagement with the Ministry of Defence in the United Kingdom with respect to the Department of Defense the film is remarkable in comparison. It took 18 months to get a meeting in Whitehall, while the Pentagon has read the script and replied within 48 hours.
He has, I think, has made a film telling the exact events of the day, but offers more general viewer a true vision of military life - happy and critics agree. One of our proudest moment was when one of the veterans who have worked with us saw a post on Facebook that require accuracy of our film in question. He said: "It was as if I know ... I was there."
Google started to offer users an agreement Chromecasts very pretty today. The company provides all shareholders Chromecast choice of a holiday movie for free from the Play Store and the list of the films is pretty impressive. Google provides today's headlines, the American sniper, Lucy, unbroken interstellar, Fifty Shades of Grey, and we are Miller's free as part of this campaign.
To promote, just go on the site and choose the one that offers Chromecasts intends to get a rented movie for free from Google Play. You will be redirected to this page, which shows some of the titles relating to the treatment. But it seems to apply to all movies in the Play Store.
Rent a movie on Google Play Store generally run between $ 2.99 and $ 4.99, depending on the title. Usually, we have 30 days to start watching a holiday and 48 hours to finish the game if you hit, though some titles and studios are a little different rental periods. You have until April 19, 2016 to claim this deal.

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